Activities/Service and Hobbies are many, here's a few:
- Amateur
Radio Operator (WB8Q) Extra Class License
- American Radio Relay
League "A-1" Radio Operator
- Croatian Telegraph Society
- Quarter Century Wireless
Association (QCWA)
- Alger
County Enhanced 9-1-1 Original Committee Member
- Munising Public Schools -
Retired Maintenance / Bus Driver
/ Munising Educational Support Personnel / Treasurer
- Munising
Township's Last Elected Constable
- Web
Design / Publishing (GreatLakes CyberSites)
- National
Weather Service - WX Spotter
- Past
Board Member - Alger County Fair
of Masonic Fraternity (See activities below)
Fraternal Memberships include only Masonic Related Organizations:
Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan
Grand Master " -
Representative of Paraiba, Brazil to Michigan" - 1996-2014
"Grand Representative
of Utah to Michigan" - 2014
"Grand Lodge of Michigan, Board of General Purposes" 1989-2000
"President - Board of General Purposes 1994-1995"
"Committee Member" - George Washington National Memorial - 2003-2008
"Grand Lodge Youth Committee" - 2008-2009 2016-2017
"George Washington National Masonic Memorial" - Gold Life Member
"District Deputy Instructor" - 2003-2006
"Lewis Cass Society" since 2008
Craftsman - Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation " - 2011
Masters Society - Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation " - since 2012
Society -
Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation " - since 2013
Lodge Board of Directors " - Past President
Masonic Charitable Foundation Board
of Trustees " - 2010-2015
Pathways Board
of Trustees " - 2013-2015
Lodge Finance Committee" - 2013-2015
Lodge Investment Committee" - 2013-2015 - Past Chairman
"Honorary Member - Lake City Lodge No. 408"
"Honorary Member - Grand Blanc Lodge No. 571"
"Honorary Member - Alma Lodge No. 244"
"Honorary Member
- Mio Lodge No. 596"
Member - Trenton-Wyandotte No. 8 "
Grand Island Lodge # 422 Free & Accepted Masons - Member
since April 1983
"Worshipful Master" - 1989 / 2017
"Lodge Mason of the Year" - 1996
"Prepaid Member" - since 2000
Island Fraternal Association
"Treasurer since
Marquette Masonic Building Association
"Trustee 1990-2006"
K.I. Sawyer Square and Compass Club - Life Member
Valley of Marquette, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
"Past Sovereign Prince - 1990-1992"
"Meritorious Service Award" recipient (Red Hat) - 1996
"Junior Warden" Marquette Lodge of Perfection - 2002-2004
"Orator" Francis M. Moore Consistory - 2014
"33rd Degree, Soveriegn Grand Inspector
General, Honorary Member of Supreme Council" -
"Valley Executive Secretary" - 2015-Present
Marquette Chapter # 43 Royal Arch Masons
"Secretary" - 1994-2001
"Past High Priest" - 1993
Tri-State Royal Arch - Life Member
Honorary Member Caro Chapter # 96 - Royal Arch Masons
Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Michigan
"Order of the
High Priesthood of Michigan" - 1994
"Michigan R.A.M. Meritorious Service Award
Recipient - Region 1 - 2008 "
"Grand Membership and Education Committeeman" - 2017
Marquette Council # 72 Royal and Select Masons
"Past Thrice Illustrious Master 1996 & Recorder 1993-2007"
"Most Illustrious Grand Master's Service Award - 1997"
"Most Illustrious Grand Master's Meritorious Service Award - 1998"
"Michigan Recorder of the Year - 1995"
Hiawatha Council # 65 Royal and Select Masons
Straits Area Council, # 92 Royal and Select Masons - Charter Member & Signer
Pawating Council # 14 Sault Ste Marie, Ontario - Royal & Select Masters -
Life Member
Lake Superior Lodge # 10 Sault Ste Marie, Ontario - Royal Ark Mariners -
Life Member
General Grand Council Cryptic Masons
Committee " -
since 2006
Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Michigan
"Most Illustrious
Grand Master" - 2002-2003
"Illustrious Grand Sentinel" - 2003-2004
Illustrious Grand Treasurer" -
2004 to 2011 / 2016-Present
"Grand Treasurer Emeritus" - 2011
"Grand Representative
of Grand Council of Ontario to Michigan" - Commissioned 1998-2012
Representative of Grand Council of Rhode Island to Michigan" -
Commissioned 2012-Present
Council Thrice Illustrious Masters"
"Michigan Grand
Council Webmaster" 1998-2013
"Adult Youth Leader of the Year Award " - 2012
Kentucky Council Thrice Illustrious
You-per Council # 125 Royal and Select Masons - Life Member
"Treasurer" - 2002-2008
"Most Illustrious Grand Yooperite" -
Honorary Member of Saginaw Council # 20 Royal and Select Masters
Honorary Member of Mt. Clemens Council # 8 Royal and Select Masons
Honorary Member of Pontiac Council # 3 Royal and Select Masons
Honorary Member of Leslie Council # 50 Royal and Select Masons
Honorary Member Wisconsin Ish-Sodi
Honorary Member Kentucky Ish-Sodi
Honorary Member Ohio Council of Annointed Kings
Honorary Member Indiana Council Thrice Illustrious Masters
Honorary Member Illinois Council Thrice Illustrious Masters
Honorary Member Ontario Council Thrice Illustrious Masters
Honorary Member Grand Council of the State of Ohio
Honorary Member Grand Council of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Commissioned a Kentucky Colonel - 2003
Honorary Member Grand Council of the State of Indiana
Honorary Member Grand Council of the State of Wisconsin
Lake Superior Commandery # 30, Knights Templar
"Recorder 1993-2001/2017 & Past
Commander 1992"
"Grand Commander's Service Award 1993"
"Grand Representative to Alaska near Michigan" - 2014
"Grand Encampment Knight Commander of the Temple" - 2015
"Honorary Member Escanaba Commandery # 47" - 2015
Bark River Commandery # 1313 Knights Templar "Life Member"
Michigan Past Commander's Association "Life
Ahmed Shriners, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Divan Member - 2004
to 2008
"Yooper Jackpine Hillbilly Clan" # 101- Since 1987
"Ahmed Shrine Clowns" - Since 1985
"Youth Committee Chairman" - 2007-Present
Great Lakes Shrine Clown Association
"3rd Place Whiteface Midwinter 1993"
International Shrine Clown Association -
Since 1986
Munising Shrine Club - President 1998 & 2008
Order of the Eastern Star - Since 1984
"Past Patron Munising Chapter # 424 O.E.S.
"Associate Patron" Munising
Chapter # 424 - 2009 to 2012/2015
"Warder" - 2013-2014
"Sentinel" -
Iowa Lodge of Research #2 A.F. & A.M.
Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Forest #190- "Charter
Tall Cedars of Lebanon, White Pine Forest #191
Michigan York Rite College # 40
"Secretary - 1994
to 2011"
"Grand Governor of Michigan Distinguished Service Award" (1996)
"Associate Regent" - Order of the Purple Cross - 2003"
Grand Governor " -
Michigan -
Michigan Priory # 22 - K.Y.C.H. - Life Member
"Member since May 1998"
"Past Prior -
"Knight of York, Grand Cross of Honor, One Quadrant - 2002"
"Knight of York, Grand Cross of Honor, Two Quadrants -
"Appointed Sentinel 2000-2001"
"Council Lecturer - 2003"
Bonaventure Conclave - Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant
"Member since November 1998"
Soveriegn - 2006"
"Recorder -
2006 to Present"
International Order of Job's Daughters
"Past Associate Grand Guardian
of Michigan - 2007-2008"
Job's Webmaster - 2004 to Present"
"Michigan Job's Communications Committee - 1997-2002"
"Michigan Job's Fraternal Relations Committee - 1997-2002/2004-2005"
Guardian Council Parlimentarian" -
"Supreme Bethel, Jobs Daughters International Webmaster - 1998-2003"
"Grand Triangle of Honor" Recipient 2010
Triangle of Honor Advisory Board" - Grand Inspector General Since 2012
"Certified Adult Volunteer / CAV Trainer" - 2009 to present
Bethel No. 16, International Order
of Job's Daughters - Marquette
Bethel Guardian 1997-2000 / 2003-2006"
"Treasurer - 2000"
"Director of Music - 2001"
"Director of Epochs - 2002"
Bethel No. 43,
International Order of Job's Daughters - Munising - Chartered 2/3/2007
"Guardian Treasurer-
"Director of Epochs
- 2015-2016"
"Associate Bethel Guardian" -
2016 to Present
Michigan Order of Demolay International
"Certified Advisor-at-Large" - Since 2012
"Honorary Legion of
Honor" -
"Fidelity Award" - 2014
"Honorary Member of Supreme Council, Demolay International" - 2015
of Demolay - Fellowship Chapter Marquette
Fellowship Chapter " - 2000-2005
"Chapter Chairman" - 2006
International Order of Rainbow Girls
"Certified Advisor at Larger" -
"Grand Cross of Color" - 2015
Royal Order of Amaranth - Madison Court
# 11 -
Life Member
Yubba Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. Since 2004 - Fowlerville, MI
Noruh Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. Since 2014 - Port Huron, MI
Columbia Preceptor No VIII - Yeomen
of York - Since 2003 - Columbia, Missouri
Michigan College - Societas Rosicuciana
In Civitatibus Foederatis -
Grade VII
"Preceptor" -
since 2007
Royal Order of Scotland -
Since 2008
College of Rites of the
United States -
Since 2013
Council #36, Knight Masons -
Since 2016
Cash-U is
my Shrine Clown Character.... see me at my CashU
Web Site
During the day I am Student Transportation Specialist for Munising
Public Schools.
IT Specialist at Public Library to help them advance
with Technology ....
An interesting
Resemblence |
The Officers of my
year as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan |

My companion of 35 years, Angela. |
served on the OES Grand Committee for Youth 1995/96,
and was OES Grand Representative of New
York near Michigan.
A BS from MSU and BA from NMU in Business Administration. Angela
is WA8I, an Extra Class Ham Radio Operator.

Our daughter Stephanie
is a Majority Member of Job's Daughters Bethel #16
in Marquette & served as Honored Queen for four
terms. She is also Past Grand Bethel of Chaplain
of Michigan serving in 1998. She is Worthy Matron
of Lynds Chapter No. 1, OES, in SLC.
She has attended Northern Michigan University and
recently recieved a Bachelor of Humanities Degree in Spanish & Comparative
Literature from the University of Utah.
traveled to Europe in June 2000 singing Alto with the Blue
Lake International Choir 2000. In March of 2001 Stephanie
travelled to Mexico for a week to translate and study culture
for a school Spanish Class trip. She is fluent in Spanish.
Stephanie has lived in Salt Lake City, Utah since 2006,
she worked in the Temple Department of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints as an Executive Administrative
Assistant - Bilingual, and is now Research Assistant
for in the ProGeneologist Department. She
married Yossiho Peralta Morga on October 22, 2015 |
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